Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hungary is now staying behind us too.....

We are leaving Hungary for Romania and Seychelles. The movers are coming and we are leaving on the next train, don't know when We'll be back again, oh oh what a wonderful life awaits us.

Transylvania, is known as Erdei, is one of the most beautiful natural places that even UNESCO declared it a distinguished and protected environment. Seychelles with its two UNESCO protected atolls is the only country where over 50% of the country is under Green Environment protection.

Dr Rolph Payet the man charged by the President of Seychelles to build a university, has made me his Special Adviser to create an ECOversity more specialized towards the future trends and needs.

Dr Ervin Laszlo with whom I have been trying to build a New Paradigm University, an WorldShift university where the wisdom of the 7 Billion is gathered synthesized, and resent to all universities along with financial help to materialize the New World Shift.

The following link is the ECOversity plan that is old and dated but the new version will appear soon. http://www.elysiumfloat.com/world_ecoversity/world_ecoversity_II_new.pps

This is where to find Rolph Payet.........
Ervin Laszlo..........here............

These are the two that I believe can do what most others talk about and dream about, these have proven track record and are commited for life. The one question that all ask, why Seychelles ? Why there ? Why now?

The only answer is that it is a nation unlike others, as this nation is made up of 85,000 kind, loving and naturally gifted people with the gift of life. All rejected my offer to come and work in EU or Canada ( since they do like Canadians) for 3-4 times their wages, responding "No thank you, money is too expensive" . This and all that made me curious to find what makes a nation and how does a nation differ from where we associated ourselves before.

In Europe and the Asian continents we were always with a king, a lord or an absolute ruler that defined us. Today, here in Hungary and 35 years ago in Quebec the National movement started to erode the good standings of neighbors and friends as one takes sides and there is conflict. As we now define borders and our collective consciousness as a Nation. Not in Seychelles, where even the politics are more human and understandable never mind the service through the bureaucracies , where a lady showed us what it means to be Seselois. She argued with another politically appointed gentleman on our behalf, 10 minutes after she met us.

There are many , really many reasons to list why Seychelles, but one or two weeks there is all the proof one needs.

Seychelles Island Foundation http://www.sif.sc/index.php

The government side: http://www.nation.sc/
The opposition side: http://www.seychellesweekly.com/
The Independent : http://www.seychellesreview.com/

The BEST one for last: http://seychelles.lap.hu/ forget the Hungarian ..The best there is!

Namaste, see you soon in Sesel.........

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