Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Living the Bio, Eco, Natural Way is wonderfully .. GREAT!!

Never before have I lived closer, together and deeper with nature.
Nor have I left such a light ECO footprint before.
We are in a 106 year old farm house, nestled between the school and the church, in Ujfalu. Just past Oakland and a hundred and twenty five kilometers from where I was born, in Marosvasarhely. This is one of the most beautiful countrysides anywhere, mountains, lakes, fishing and camping all here for centuries, always admired and always a great pride to even those that plundered it.

What we have for breakfast, cereals and grains come from our field. At lunch we serve a salad with a dozen vegetables from the garden, same with the herbs and spices. The fruit trees have been here much longer than the Vizels, who purchased this little dream hide away, just three years ago, and they have given much fruit since.

The pulp and the remains of the fruits , even the husks from the corn-on-the-cob, all are sent back to Mama's pigs, horse and other animals.
The shells of the eggs she brought us, we give back to her so she then adds it to the feed for the chickens.

Yes, "everything" is recycled and we reuse many things as well as the water.
We drink from "our" well and the water inside the house also comes from the well, so we wash dishes and ourselves in warm water.
The "healing water", we Import with the horse and a cart, once a month, in a 10 hour journey, 30 kilometers there and back, this nectar, that the older ones drink for centuries.

This past weekend we witnessed the Annual Harvest Festival. Both our neighbors, the teacher and the priest's wife, invited us to go along with them to see the young participants get ready for the evening.
The views, the sights and all the pomp and splendor of the annual Harvest Ball with the younger ones dressed in their traditional outfits, the King of the Ball with other fellows riding their horses about, while the horse and buggies take the rest of them from town to town to announce the evening's Ball. You really must be there to hear , smell , see and mostly feel the excitement in the air.

This is the closest I came to live the life that I have preached and believed is necessary for all to live. Simple, efficient and effective living, so all can live same way.
Without this radical move, I never would have imagined the positive effect that this has on my two boys.They have more friends here, than they ever had in Budapest, mind you they have been coming here, for 2-4 weeks 1-2 times a year for three years. Everyone seems more friendly, and caring here than everywhere else, with the exception of Seychelles. Speaking of, what better way to prepare us for the Sesel Way of Living! This is the WorldShift2012 in REAL TERMS for us. We are now showing the way and sowing the seeds for the future generations to come.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hungary is now staying behind us too.....

We are leaving Hungary for Romania and Seychelles. The movers are coming and we are leaving on the next train, don't know when We'll be back again, oh oh what a wonderful life awaits us.

Transylvania, is known as Erdei, is one of the most beautiful natural places that even UNESCO declared it a distinguished and protected environment. Seychelles with its two UNESCO protected atolls is the only country where over 50% of the country is under Green Environment protection.

Dr Rolph Payet the man charged by the President of Seychelles to build a university, has made me his Special Adviser to create an ECOversity more specialized towards the future trends and needs.

Dr Ervin Laszlo with whom I have been trying to build a New Paradigm University, an WorldShift university where the wisdom of the 7 Billion is gathered synthesized, and resent to all universities along with financial help to materialize the New World Shift.

The following link is the ECOversity plan that is old and dated but the new version will appear soon. http://www.elysiumfloat.com/world_ecoversity/world_ecoversity_II_new.pps

This is where to find Rolph Payet.........
Ervin Laszlo..........here............

These are the two that I believe can do what most others talk about and dream about, these have proven track record and are commited for life. The one question that all ask, why Seychelles ? Why there ? Why now?

The only answer is that it is a nation unlike others, as this nation is made up of 85,000 kind, loving and naturally gifted people with the gift of life. All rejected my offer to come and work in EU or Canada ( since they do like Canadians) for 3-4 times their wages, responding "No thank you, money is too expensive" . This and all that made me curious to find what makes a nation and how does a nation differ from where we associated ourselves before.

In Europe and the Asian continents we were always with a king, a lord or an absolute ruler that defined us. Today, here in Hungary and 35 years ago in Quebec the National movement started to erode the good standings of neighbors and friends as one takes sides and there is conflict. As we now define borders and our collective consciousness as a Nation. Not in Seychelles, where even the politics are more human and understandable never mind the service through the bureaucracies , where a lady showed us what it means to be Seselois. She argued with another politically appointed gentleman on our behalf, 10 minutes after she met us.

There are many , really many reasons to list why Seychelles, but one or two weeks there is all the proof one needs.

Seychelles Island Foundation http://www.sif.sc/index.php

The government side: http://www.nation.sc/
The opposition side: http://www.seychellesweekly.com/
The Independent : http://www.seychellesreview.com/

The BEST one for last: http://seychelles.lap.hu/ forget the Hungarian ..The best there is!

Namaste, see you soon in Sesel.........

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Tipping Point


Ervin Laszlo talks about this "tipping point" as it already has happened. Joe Sugarman, was the one who thought me the 80/20 rule. Here are

The three rules of epidemics

Gladwell describes the "three rules of epidemics" (or the three "agents of change") in the tipping points of epidemics.

  • "The Law of the Few", or, as Gladwell states, "The success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts."[4] According to Gladwell, economists call this the "80/20 Principle, which is the idea that in any situation roughly 80 percent of the 'work' will be done by 20 percent of the participants."[5] These people are described in the following ways:
  • Connectors are the people who "link us up with the world ... people with a special gift for bringing the world together."[6] They are "a handful of people with a truly extraordinary knack [... for] making friends and acquaintances". [7] He characterizes these individuals as having social networks of over one hundred people. To illustrate, Gladwell cites the following examples: the midnight ride of Paul Revere, Milgram's experiments in the small world problem, the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" trivia game, Dallas businessman Roger Horchow, and Chicagoan Lois Weisberg, a person who understands the concept of the weak tie. Gladwell attributes the social success of Connectors to "their ability to span many different worlds [... as] a function of something intrinsic to their personality, some combination of curiosity, self-confidence, sociability, and energy."[8]
  • Mavens are "information specialists", or "people we rely upon to connect us with new information."[9] They accumulate knowledge, especially about the marketplace, and know how to share it with others. Gladwell cites Mark Alpert as a prototypical Maven who is "almost pathologically helpful", further adding, "he can't help himself".[10] In this vein, Alpert himself concedes, "A Maven is someone who wants to solve other people's problems, generally by solving his own".[11] According to Gladwell, Mavens start "word-of-mouth epidemics"[12] due to their knowledge, social skills, and ability to communicate. As Gladwell states, "Mavens are really information brokers, sharing and trading what they know".[13]
  • Salesmen are "persuaders", charismatic people with powerful negotiation skills. They tend to have an indefinable trait that goes beyond what they say, which makes others want to agree with them. Gladwell's examples include California businessman Tom Gau and news anchor Peter Jennings, and he cites several studies about the persuasive implications of non-verbal cues, including a headphone nod study (conducted by Gary Wells of the University of Alberta and Richard Petty of the University of Missouri) and William Condon's cultural microrhythms study.

WOW! my1st born, David is 12 year old David!

“Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.” (Scroll VI)
Some people just want their circumstances to be different, however, success does not just happen - happiness does not just happen – both are intentionally created. http://www.ogmandino.com/

Am building a road to a war-less world. Please join at www.worldshift2012.tv and www.worldshift2012.org as well as www.clubofbudapest.org and thanks for signing the Declaration, Peace, Pt

After 12 years in this forsaken and by now, I tend to believe also a cursed land, watching things deteriorate and realize that there must be better and more to our lives than this. So, off to the adventure we go. David, is getting the cast taken off today and is really looking forward to a better and a more peaceful, less stressful environment after this.Am trying to deliver it for him.

Yoko Ono should be here and now. Speaking Here & Now , didn't know Baba Ram Dass had a stroke and a Movie???

Ram Dass - The Movie

Ram Dass Fierce Grace is a 2002 American biographical film, directed by Micky Lemle. It tells the story of Dr. Richard Alpert's transformation from Harvard Psychology Professor to spiritual student/devotee and back again to teacher in spite of his debilitating stroke. It was named by Newsweek as one of the Top Five Non-fiction Films of 2002.

As I wonder out LOUD and LOUDER why not name it

The John Lennon University
and get the GAME OVER ?

He realy is everything that we would want the world to be. And he had/has Q factor!!!

My whole life was around him anyways as was for most whom I knew. At 20 at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, in Montreal I served him breakfast in bed. At 40 with candle in hand cried when news reached us ...he was shot.
Now, at 60, reborn with Yoko, for the www.GlobalShift2012.tv and Club of Budapest.

This past, year and a half, have thought me to be more proactive and less procrastinating about and around all. Ervin Laszlo was and still is my BIG ONE !! As far as we believe at the WS2012, he is "our great Hope" to somehow show us , tell us, clearly what and where we should go and do.

Shortly I hope that Rolph Payet will come and join our efforts here and in London to secure a university for Seychelles. Oh, OK, not just another UNIVERSITY......but a unique example of what the universities of the future should look like. All the tools, techniques even teachers are ready to jump. The connections with dozens of universities begun, and for now , we wait.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Fun. 100 best movie lines in 200 seconds

Fun. 100 best movie lines in 200 seconds. I didn't notice Silence of the Lambs (well, helllllo, Clarice) but still good. http://tr.im/kcJw

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

If there's anything I ask forgiveness for it is my bad moods!

If there's anything I ask forgiveness for it is my bad moods! To
think that we waste so much of our precious time on this amazing
planet with negative unproductive mind-states! Once you have felt and
appreciated the power, energy, excitement and creativity of positive
mental attitudes, you don't want to spend a minute in any other way of
being. But, as humans, it can happen to any of us, any time! I think
being able to see what is just ego and what is the real you can help
one to stay positive, to let go of ego stuff that can sometimes keep
us focused on the negative aspects of ourselves and others. There is
too much work to be done and fun to be had, to waste our time in the
doldrums. Nevertheless, if we find ourselves there from time to time,
one could just look at it as a necessary contrast, phase, experience,
or rest from the busyness of life.

In Peace & Joy! Pt

Friday, March 20, 2009

Elysium is the Field!

WoW what a week, HBO , Danubius Hotels, and Elysium are on track and the excitement begins!

The HBO promotion offering FLOTATION as an incentive to subscribers , in their annual hunt for new members. The Danubius hotel chain threw in the the weekend wellness retreats, and we're off to the races! Next is the two most credible mags, Nok Lapja and HVG along with sprinklings of Hamu n Diamant, (they have 9 mags) and we did the intro here.
Nagy Zsolt as always was the Gentleman that I admired, respected and trusted here, introduced his new partner Guy from D HOUSE ! This was my big Eureka with him! Met Bodo as I was leaving and Norbi called re all else. The turtles and coco de mer are also progressing.

NO word from my Rolph! Why? What could be the reason? Mencham? Where is he in all this? Why can't I start ? Why must I wait? Well, politeness, necessity as well as protocal dictates at least now, it seems like that is the prudent thing to do!

When will Ron answer? Where will this take wings and Fly???
Seychelles is in dire need of hard income and each day there are signs and indications (see Germany travel exibit) that the country is bartering its future away for nothing, it seems!

Must make a mov and start on the revolution to introduce the WorldShift that we are planning for September 9, 2009 !

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Monday and do you know where this Crisis is headed?

Will be here next year to analyze?

Why, do most pretend not to notice a thing? Others deny everything they do see ? While the rest panic and scream, the end is here!
Twenty some years ago they did start The End! Just now there are visible signs that can not be cosmetically eradicated. Where do we get off this one? Ha, like there is another one coming ?

No, I think that this "Is the End!" and no matter what "they" say and whatever they try to do it is gone, finished, it's no more, it's has been,it has deceased, This Parrot is Dead !!! This is not another
cliff hanger.................................well stay tuned next week , here we will continue.... no, The End!

A new way of thinking, looking at life and realizing collectively, that only one way to reach a more loving and peaceful world, is to start living it! John was right, all you need is Love.... Love ...Love
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLxTpsIVzzo All You Need is Love !!
And a lot of other Beatles, Beach Boys, Bee Gees , Donovan and more much more as other very eclectic mix, Do enjoy! Love is all you need!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Where do I begin???

WoW , I am so proud of myself, I actually did click, more than ten clicks and must have done it correctly , otherwise I wouldn't be here!

For all of you for whom this "Bell" tolls, thank you so very much. Writing and I, were friends a very long time ago. We are now getting to know one another better!

Now, I'm spending more time on Sesel (for those of you not just unfamiliar but uninitiated as well, that's Seychelles) and also my new "Toy" Twitter.com.........

If you don't know what it is, well it is 2 years old, but the jokes are...

No officer, I was NOT texting while driving, I was tweeting.

Well, don't know yet how to load up stuff here, but please I don't want your junk, stuff yes! Pt