Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Brother Tommy is on his way....To Paradise !

For 63 years Tommy Vizel was a man that lived, loved and helped all about him. He was an ordinary man that did extraordinary deeds for all those around him.

I have just sent a Power of Attorney to his last and best friends, Judy and Joszi Kroo, who till the end were there by his side and are still doing the best with all their hearts to assist in the transition.
The neighbor who found Tommy this past Friday just spoke with the other angel, my cousin Joe in Edmonton and told him that he is concerned that Tommy's door is not locked.

Last night speaking with his doctor at the hospital, I came to the realization that life is so precious and dear, yet we do not think of it until it is too late. This was not the case with Tommy as he realized years ago that he embarked on a road that was too high and good, early in his life, that no matter what he did afterwards, it was impossible to maintain it. This coupled with the fact that he was unlucky in choosing good friends, made life very difficult and painful for him, till the end.

My dear, and very old friend Dolly (old as in friendship, we met in 1961) just sent me her condolences, and reminded me of how many times I have helped and other times tried to help him, but he did not respond well, if it did not suit him at the time.
She also reaffirmed that I should not go to Los Angeles, as it would not help him, nor me.
It is at times like this that I am so proud of this love we shared and that she has always been there for me, showered me in love, selflessly, lovingly, encouragingly and all the while empowering me.

There are others that I think, now they realize what Tommy did for them, introduced them to powerful leads and contacts, yet they never even gave him thank you never mind a dime. Those also are now calling now, claiming their love for him, but I believe that this is only guilt or even worse, they are using his death to reignite old relationships that Tommy brought about for them.

Isn't it a pity , isn't it a shame, George Harrison's classic said it best,

Isn't it a pity
Isn't is a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity

Some things take so long
But how do I explain
When not too many people
Can see we're all the same
And because of all their tears
Their eyes can't hope to see
The beauty that surrounds them
Isn't it a pity

I am at a loss for words, and that is not something that happens to me do I deal with the fact that he is gone? Yet he is still here?
No, I am certain that I too would not want to be kept artificially alive, nor would he.
Reni, my ex spoke with him on Friday, just hours before he had his massive heart attack. She said that he was sadder than usual, complaining of chest pains and as usual refusing to go to the clinic for a check up. He also was sad that all his friends abandoned him, save for two the Kroos and Varadi.

Before yesterday we received a letter from Tommy, the first letter in over three years, as we usually talked on the phone, it was first addressed to Roni as his 10th birthday was Nov 4 th after to David and then the whole family....almost as a farewell letter....but when out of the envelope fell to the ground 2x 20 dollar bills, we all broke down and cried and cried we did, until David said that we should mourn him and pray for his recovery, I said no....
we should celebrate his life and told them a few stories about Tommy and his good deeds as well as his friends' remarks, that almost all read alike,
" that he would give his last 5$ to someone if he believed that person needed it more!"....

I wish him Peace and I Pray and Hope that finally he too can be Happy, knowing that it is a new beginning in Paradise, where he was so many times before, but for short periods only!

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