Wednesday, June 3, 2009

WOW! my1st born, David is 12 year old David!

“Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.” (Scroll VI)
Some people just want their circumstances to be different, however, success does not just happen - happiness does not just happen – both are intentionally created.

Am building a road to a war-less world. Please join at and as well as and thanks for signing the Declaration, Peace, Pt

After 12 years in this forsaken and by now, I tend to believe also a cursed land, watching things deteriorate and realize that there must be better and more to our lives than this. So, off to the adventure we go. David, is getting the cast taken off today and is really looking forward to a better and a more peaceful, less stressful environment after this.Am trying to deliver it for him.

Yoko Ono should be here and now. Speaking Here & Now , didn't know Baba Ram Dass had a stroke and a Movie???

Ram Dass - The Movie

Ram Dass Fierce Grace is a 2002 American biographical film, directed by Micky Lemle. It tells the story of Dr. Richard Alpert's transformation from Harvard Psychology Professor to spiritual student/devotee and back again to teacher in spite of his debilitating stroke. It was named by Newsweek as one of the Top Five Non-fiction Films of 2002.

As I wonder out LOUD and LOUDER why not name it

The John Lennon University
and get the GAME OVER ?
He realy is everything that we would want the world to be. And he had/has Q factor!!!

My whole life was around him anyways as was for most whom I knew. At 20 at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, in Montreal I served him breakfast in bed. At 40 with candle in hand cried when news reached us ...he was shot.
Now, at 60, reborn with Yoko, for the and Club of Budapest.

This past, year and a half, have thought me to be more proactive and less procrastinating about and around all. Ervin Laszlo was and still is my BIG ONE !! As far as we believe at the WS2012, he is "our great Hope" to somehow show us , tell us, clearly what and where we should go and do.

Shortly I hope that Rolph Payet will come and join our efforts here and in London to secure a university for Seychelles. Oh, OK, not just another UNIVERSITY......but a unique example of what the universities of the future should look like. All the tools, techniques even teachers are ready to jump. The connections with dozens of universities begun, and for now , we wait.

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